

To create ComposerExtensions that enhance the composer experience, you should create objects that implement the interface defined at {ComposerExtension}.

{ComposerExtension} extends {ContenteditableExtension}, so you can also implement the methods defined there to further enhance the composer experience.

To register your extension with the ExtensionRegistry, call {ExtensionRegistry::Composer::register}. When your package is being unloaded, you must call the corresponding {ExtensionRegistry::Composer::unregister} to unhook your extension.

coffee activate: -> ExtensionRegistry.Composer.register(MyExtension)


deactivate: -> ExtensionRegistry.Composer.unregister(MyExtension)

Your ComposerExtension should be stateless. The user may have multiple drafts open at any time, and the methods of your ComposerExtension may be called for different drafts at any time. You should not expect that the session you receive in applyTransformsToDraft is for the same draft you previously received in warningsForSending, etc.

The ComposerExtension API does not currently expose any asynchronous or {Promise}-based APIs, except for applyTransformsToDraft and unapplyTransformsToDraft, which can optionally return a promsie. This will likely change in the future. If you have a use-case for a ComposerExtension that is not possible with the current API, please let us know.

Class Methods


Allows the addition of new types of send actions such as "Send Later" Return an array of objects that adhere to the following spec. If the draft data indicates that your action should not be available, then return null.


Argument Description
title A short, single string that is displayed to users when describing your component. It is used in the hover title text of your option in the dropdown menu. It is also used in the "Default Send Behavior" dropdown setting. If your string is selected, then the `core.sending.defaultSendType` will be set to your string and your option will appear as the default.
performSendAction Callback for when your option is clicked as the primary action. The function will be passed `{draft}` as its only argument. It does not need to return anything. It may be asynchronous and likely queue Tasks.
isEnabled Callback to determine if this send action should be rendered for the given draft. Takes a draft: A fully populated {Message} object that is about to be sent.
iconUrl A custom icon to be placed in the Send button. SendAction extensions have the form "Send + {ICON}"


Inspect the draft, and return any warnings that need to be displayed before the draft is sent. Warnings should be string phrases, such as "without an attachment" that fit into a message of the form: "Send #{phase1} and #{phase2}?"


Argument Description
draft A fully populated {Message} object that is about to be sent.


Return Values
Returns a list of warning strings, or an empty array if no warnings need to be displayed.


Override prepareNewDraft to modify a brand new draft before it is displayed in a composer. This is one of the only places in the application where it's safe to modify the draft object you're given directly to add participants to the draft, add a signature, etc. By default, new drafts are considered `pristine`. If the user leaves the composer without making any changes, the draft is discarded. If your extension populates the draft in a way that makes it "populated" in a valuable way, you should set `draft.pristine = false` so the draft saves, even if no further changes are made.


applyTransformsToDraft is called when a draft the user is editing is saved to the server and/or sent. This method gives you an opportunity to remove any annotations you've inserted into the draft body, apply final changes to the body, etc. Note that your extension /must/ be able to reverse the changes it applies to the draft in `applyTransformsToDraft`. If the user re-opens the draft, `unapplyTransformsToDraft` will be called and must restore the draft to it's previous edit-ready state. Examples: This method should return a modified {Message} object, or a {Promise} which resolves to a modified Message object.

Argument Description
draft A {Message} the user is about to finish editing.


unapplyTransformsToDraft should revert the changes made in `applyTransformsToDraft`. See the documentation for that method for more information.

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